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◇ become stronger and more confident about your body ◇
Reformer Stage Two
Module One - 05/06 July 2019 Module Two - October 06/07 Sept 2019 Location - Chalfont St Giles, Bucks Cost - £800
Hours: 40 lecture hours, 10 written case study and workbook hours. Prerequisite: Completion of the Reformer Stage 1 or equivalent training.
This course is designed to learn the full original traditional repertoire where both the individual aspects of the Michael King Pilates training repertoire and varied other interpretations of the work will be explored. You will learn how to screen clients to use the movements both in a Personal Training and Group scenario as well as understand how these movements relate to other Pilates equipment.
Reformer Stage One
Module One - 01/02 March 2019 Module Two - 05/06 April 2018 Location - Chalfont St Giles, Bucks Cost - £800
Hours: 40 lecture hours, 48 case study hours. Prerequisite: Completion of the Stage 1 Matwork Course
Reformer Stage One is the exciting start of your equipment training where you will be introduced to the basics of the Equipment repertoire. This is an intensive course, the last day of which will be Pilates Labs, when you will see clients and receive feedback on your performance from course tutors. You will also be required to complete case studies prior to your final practical assessment.
At the end of this module you will have a repertoire of equipment movements to be able to achieve an appropriate programme for many levels of clients.
Excel as a Pilates teacher and gain your MK Pilates Equipment Diploma
Your internationally-recognised MK Equipment Diploma can be paid in nine interest-free installments. Discounts and T&Cs apply.
Copyright Pilates Pointe Limited 2011
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