01494 876487
01494 876487
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Fees and Payment options
One-on-One Appointments
9 Lessons - £585 (Saving £225 - £65 each)
6 Lessons - £420 (Saving £120 - £70each)
3 Lessons - £225 (Saving £45 - £70 each)
1 Lesson - £90
Payment is due before the first lesson of your series booking.
Terms and Conditions
•Cancellation within 2 working days (Thursday 9.00am for Monday or 48 hours during week days) of a One-on-One appointment will be charged in full.
•For the ongoing health of teachers and clients, Pilates Pointe Ltd reserves the right and will refuse to teach a client who is evidently not well. Please do not return to class until fully recovered.
•All paid-in-advance sessions must be taken within one year of initial payment.
•No refunds will be given.
We’re constantly updating our dates with new and exciting workshops, clinics and private sessions.
Please check back later.
If you just can’t wait email or call us today.
Places are limited.
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◇ become stronger and more confident about your body ◇
Copyright Pilates Pointe Limited 2011
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