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Back and Neck Pain
The Pilates method of exercise is well known for its contributions to spine and health and the reduction of back pain. The emphasis is on a neutral spine, supported by the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. This powerhouse of support is often referred to as core stability.
Shoulder Girdle Stability
As well as strengthening muscles that support the pelvis (pelvic girdle), the Pilates method accommodates those with a lack of mobility and strength in the mid back and neck.
There are specific exercises that focus on strengthening the latissimus dorsi, the lower fibres of the trapezius, and the rhomboids. The mild contraction of these muscles helps stabilise the shoulder girdle, alleviating overuse of the upper trapezius, levator scapulae and other neck muscles that ultimately contribute to stiffness and tension in the shoulders and neck. The neck muscles will be gently released in every session as safe stretches are always given. The alignment of the neck is carefully monitored throughout all movements, with contraindicated exercise stringently avoided.
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