01494 876487
01494 876487
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Don’t Waist Your Breath - 5th Oct ’18
Breathe well to improve and prevent prolapse, hernias and abdominal weakness.
◇ become stronger and more confident about your body ◇
If you breath, move and exercise correctly your whole body will be healthier. Muscles and connective tissue will have optimum function preventing the risk of separation (Diastasis Recti), tears (hernias) and prolapses.
Learn how your breath, posture, alignment, choice of dress and how you exercise can help you regain and restore muscular and connective tissue function which helping you avoid and recover from tears and prolapses.
In this valuable and lifestyle-changing workshop we explore how we can avoid and improve symptoms including hernias, abdominal separation (Diastsis Recti) and pelvic organ prolapse.
• Train your abdominal and waistline muscles correctly.
• Move through life with better agility and vitality.
• Switch back on your intrinsic muscle groups.
• Take back control of your body.
Copyright Pilates Pointe Limited 2011
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